28 October 2011


Tomorrow will be my two year bandiversary.

It's so hard to believe that it has been two whole years.
When I look back on my experience I make three distinct observations.

The first six months were really the worse.
I wasn't losing record amounts of weight, I couldn't eat my favorite foods (hoagies, steak sandwiches, soft pretzels) that I had turned to for so many years and I started to question if I made the right decision..

The second six months I found to be rewarding.
I actually came to the realization that sliders (insert ice cream) foods needed to be replaced with solid protein if I was going to do this right.
I also realized that the band is a tool and not a magic wand.
I remember  wondering withevery fill if this is what it feels like to have restriction.  It wasn't until the end of the first year (maybe around August) that I realized, I am there..

The second year was probably a mix bag.  Shit happened in my Life and I lost a large majority of my weight simply because no matter what I ate, I threw up.. it was my nerves not my restriction.

What I also realized is that along with my large weight loss, I also lost a lot of muscle mass. 
That was not good. 

I look back now and realize that I did not monitor my protein intake. 
Still, to this very day, I have  a hard time getting all of my protein in for the day (some days its a trade off).

I have given up my most favorite food.. Ice Cream
It is band friendly, but it was like crack to me.
I ate a lot of ice cream that first year, and when I lost my urge to eat in the second year.. out went the ice cream..
I can honestly say I have finally lost the desire to eat ice cream.. a taste maybe but not the pint or half gallon feasts I used to have.

The band has made eating a bit trendy (small plates).. 
I certainly am happy with my choice as I reflect on my decision.

Has it changed my life... I can't say for sure because my life has changed so much.. but I never thought I would be able to walk into a store like White House/Black Market and shop.
Or even better, wear a pair of shoes that weren't W or WW.

Have a great weekend.. you know snow is coming our way!!



  1. Happy bandiversary! You have done remarkably.
    Not sure why but all your posts for this week just popped up in my reader so I'm behind.
    To comment on your last one, I think you'll constantly be questioning yourself as to what feels right vs. what others feel is appropriate. None of us would ever doubt that you don't mourning Mark to your very core, but you need to do what you need to do to function and move on. As you said you are still picking up the pieces.
    Love you!

  2. Love the new pic...and love you!
