04 November 2011

Talk about Flip Flop

I took down my post from yesterday..

I am so confused and so much for hold to my guns.

I am weak.. either that or truly in love.

Good lord, where is my first cup of coffee.

Have a great day, weekend.. what ever you do... remember to Live in the Moment..



  1. No matter what you do, Barbara, you need to do what is best for you and what you believe in your heart to be the right thing for you!!! Regardless, we are all here for you!! BOOBS sisters, we are! :)

  2. No commitments....right...just flow and live and love in the moment...right?


  3. Hey B-- I missed your post from yesterday-- what's going on? It sounds like things are confusing right now. I agree with Steph and Darlin above-- you deserve to live your life, and while I never knew Mark personally, I am sure that he would want you to pursue your life and be happy. Wouldn't you have wanted the same for him? Really: think about it... if you were gone, would you want Mark to sit in the house alone or turn down companionship out of guilt? I am betting the answer is a solid "NO." Go for your life, you deserve to live-- and guilt is truly wasteful. (I know because I am one of the guiltiest people I've ever met!!)
    Guilt, on the plus side, means you have a conscience and empathy for others-- so there is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It is just important to keep your perspective and understand that you deserve to be happy too. I hope this crazy comment helps. oxoxo
