13 December 2011

The Gym Weight Gain Syndrome

Can you relate to this??
I am busting my butt at the gym and am now 5lbs up!!!
To put it mildly....
I know what it is that is causing the gain but I just hate seeing the number go up on the scale.
I figure that the shock of new muscles being used is playing havoc on my body.
New muscle is being built while existing muscles are being challenged

I know if I give it some time I wil see that scale start to move in the right direction

So that's the thing. I know all of this and I still fret!!!


Cause I want it now. I want results now.
Geez. It just doesn't work that way.

Back to the gym tomorrow.
I think I am liking this.



  1. I'm going to run tonight and I know my scale is going to go up dammit!

  2. At least you know why!

