06 January 2012

On the EVE..

Of the Eve, of the eve of my Birthday...
I don't know why.. but I am really excited about my birthday this year.
WHAT.. am I crazy.. I am going to be another year older!!!

So that you know, I have been celebrating all week long.
You know the BIRTHDAY WEEK CELEBRATION approach.

Although I wish (with every ounce of my being) I could change my situation in life, I have to say my  state of being (both physical, mental and spiritual) is on solid ground.

Here is a reflection on where I was 2 years ago...
Yes two years ago I was younger but was also:
  • almost 80 pounds heavier and 7 sizes larger (from a size 22 down to a 10)
  • Eating Pizza like it was my job,
  • 3 bra cups sizes smaller, yes somethings were manipulated since then
  • not as blonde, thank you L'oreal
  • on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Grey Goose to the resuce
  • about to venture out on a journey to change my physical being not knowing whether this thing called a gastric band would work or not..

Today, so much is so very different for me in every way imaginable.
I am entering this new year, with renewal of my mind, body and soul.

The warmth of the winter sun lets me know its all going to be OK.
It's OK to get older, to feel younger, to be your best.

It's OK to cry, to love, to be yourself.

Yes, on the eve of the eve of the eve of my BD.. it's all going to be OK.



  1. So, its actually your 'Birthday Adam' which is the eve of the eve of your birthday! My kids used to call the day before Christmas Eve, Christmas Adam....the same theory applies!

    Anyways, good for you my fellow January Birthday Girl! You certainly have come a long healthy way!

  2. It nice to hear your positive outlook. Happy Birthday to my Barbie!!

  3. Happy Birthday Baby! I love you!

  4. I like where you are now........ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!...

    Double nickles are great!


  5. I tagged you on my blog Barbara.
