01 January 2012

No More Obsessing!!

Everyone is picking their word for the year. I too have given this some thought. After coming off one horrific emotional year, I have decided on the following: to do nothing. No Obessing about weight, goals, or anything. In 8 days I will turn 55. To tell you the truth I don't care to obess about one damn thing. I just want to live my life on my terms under my command. I want to just thrive on life. It has been a difficult and wonderful holiday. I am in a very good place right now. I am content. I have made a commitment to go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week, work with my trainer and put myself on a financial diet. I am going to simplify my life,uncluttered!! I have already sold a number of items on Craigslist. It feels good to reduce the clutter. My social/love life is very good. It is going to be a good year. Be well all. Let's embrace 2012!


  1. Good plan - simple yet profound. I love you. And by the way - before you get rid of a single Harley thing - you better be calling me first. LOL

  2. Thrive is a great idea Barb. I'm so glad you are in a good place. Love you!

  3. I'm glad you are finding your zone and simplifying your life...I think it would be good for all of us to follow your example, Barbara!!! :)

  4. Hi Barbara!!!! I've read the last 4 posts and I'm so HAPPY for you!!!!!! The Keys looked awesome and so did the fishing (I love deep sea fishing)! I'm happy you have someone to do things with and enjoy each other's company. I'm totally jealous of the tummy tuck! A boob lift and tummy tuck are on my wish list. I want to get these last 20lbs off first. And you're also exercising with a trainer! What an admirable and courageous woman you are! I am so proud of you for setting the example for your children and others to continue to live your life and honor Mark by pursuing happiness and positive experiences. Kids learn from what we do, not what we say. You're teaching right now by doing the hard work of pursuing life and being good to yourself. You're living your life in honor.
    Well, I'm so happy for you. I hope your workload isn't too crazy - I know we both tend to throw everything into getting sucked into work - and not finding balance. Here's to a New Year of DOING NOTHING! :)

  5. Dear Lord Jesus let me look as good as you at 55!!! Happy early birthday, Barbazon!

  6. It sounds to me that you have done some soul searching. Good for you.

    I like your plan. So is your word NOTHING! lol jk


  7. Along with me, we will Shine this year. It's time to wipe off the grime of the past and go forward with lots of energy and enthusiasm. And BTW, from me, an "older" person, each year only gets better and better from here on out.

  8. Awesome plan. I wish you a wonderful year.

    BTW...DAMN you look good for 55.
